Epoxy to Repair Cracked Concrete

February 21, 2022

Epoxy to Repair Cracked Concrete

Concrete can crack even though it is very durable. A crack in the concrete can damage the value of your house, even though it may seem like an ugly problem. It's easy to repair concrete. Don't be scared to try it. There are many DIY repair kits that can be used to fix cracked or pitted concrete. Epoxy, a 2-component epoxy polymer, is the best. It doesn't require routing and fills hairline fractures. It also cures quickly, can be used in freezing temperatures, and is stronger than concrete. Sometimes, a repair is only temporary depending on the reason for the crack in the concrete.

Common Reasons Cracked Concrete

Subbase issue - Concrete that has not been compacted to the full extent can cause it to settle in one place rather than spread evenly across the entire surface. Concrete will eventually begin to sink, creating cracks.

Cold Weather Winter is concrete's biggest enemy. Concrete cracks when the dirt beneath it freezes.

Concrete shrinks as it dries That's to be expected. It's only when the concrete is too dry or hasn't been properly cured that it can crack. Expansion joints should be made into concrete to prevent it from cracking as it dries.

The reason for cracked concrete may vary. Your temporary repair might be temporary. It may be necessary to remove the concrete and redo the sub-base if the crack is severe. It will only be temporary as the concrete is likely shifting again, so repairing the crack won't work. You may be able to save the crack until next winter if it hasn't cracked from freezing temperatures. A permanent repair is recommended if concrete cracks from initial shrinkage.

How to fix a crack

1. First, key the crack. To make the crack wider at the bottom, you will use a chisel or a hammer. This will result in a safer repair.

Tip If the crack is extremely small or narrow you may need a file to make it bigger to ensure a permanent repair.

2. To clean the crack, use a wire brush to loosen any particles or debris that may have fallen in the crack while you are keying it. A vacuum can be used to collect any particles that have fallen into the crack or been knocked loose while you clean it.

3. Use water to wash away any dirt and dust. You can use a strong cleaner if there is any oil or grease on the area.

4. Concrete repair resin can be injected into the crack.

5. Fill the crack with dry silica.

6. Add more resin to the sand to seal the crack.

7. Let it dry for about 10-15 minutes. Then, use a scraper to smoothen the surface.

8. If you feel the repair is too messy or uneven, you can sand it down to make the surface smoother.


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